
Projects That Promote and Raise Awareness of the Value of the French Language

The CACI is convinced that French is an effective vector for the integration of immigrants.

En français, le numérique, c'est stratégique

Projects That Promote and Raise Awareness of the Value of the French Language

The CACI is convinced that French is an effective vector for the integration of immigrants.

As an organization which has the mandate to offer French courses to newcomers, we have pledged to make known the value of the French language, to promote French learning among those who seek our services and to raise the awareness of the host society of the efforts made by immigrants to learn the common language.

Making the Digital Shift in French

The CACI is carrying out the project “Pour un virage numérique stratégique en français” (“Making a Digital Shift in French”) which aims to raise the awareness of businesses of less than 50 employees of the importance of communicating in French, whether it be in email exchanges, text messages, on their website or on social media. This project receives financial support from the Office québécois de la langue française. To find out more about why and how to use French in the workplace, visit our website.
Transformation numérique en français
Recueil témoignage en français

“Le français, un nouveau départ”

A collection of testimonies of French language students

The project entitled “Le français, un nouveau départ” received the financial support of the Quebec Ministry of Immigration and consisted in the publication of a collection of testimonies provided by immigrants for whom learning French was life-changing.

If you wish to help newcomers to integrate Quebec society, kindly note that this book is being sold at the CACI.

Profits generated by sales of the book will be devoted to the purchase of French books which will be offered, free of charge, to students in reception classes (“classes d’accueil”), namely classes in which children from different countries first attend school in Quebec in order to acquire the basics of the French language before pursuing their schooling in regular classes.

Public Display in Businesses

The CACI visited business owners located on select Bordeaux-Cartierville main streets in order to share information and tools to allow them to abide by the government regulation regarding the display of trademarks.

The Report Regarding the Evolution of the Language Situation in Quebec (April 2019) indeed revealed that issues remained in the area of the public display of businesses.

This project which aims to promote the French language was carried out as part of the Office québécois de la langue française’s financial assistance program entitled “Le français, au cœur de nos ambitions” (French at the heart of our ambitions).

Valorisation du français dans l'espace publique
Jeux en ligne sur l'apprentissage du français

Video Games

As part of two projects aimed at promoting and raising awareness of the value of the French language that were financially supported by the Ministry of Culture and Communications, the CACI created online interactive games involving French language expressions used in Quebec. Test your knowledge!

See also

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Need to contact us?

Leave us your contact details and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.

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Need to contact us?

Leave us your contact details and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.

Cours de français, session automne

Cours de français en présentiel

Les cours de francisation sont destinés à tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre le français. La formation est gratuite et le certificat qui vous sera délivré est valide pour la demande de citoyenneté.

Allocation de participation journalière de 28 $

Form pré-inscription francisation - EN

Pre-registration Form

THIS IS NOT REGISTRATION. Depending on your eligibility and course availability, we will contact you in the upcoming days for more information. This form is only valid for the spring session (from April 2 to June 16, 2024). Filling out this form does not guarantee your registration