
Homework Help

A personalized support service which promotes academic success

En français, le numérique, c'est stratégique

Homework Help

A personalized support which promotes academic success.

The homework help program is open to children aged 6 to 12 who are experiencing difficulties in mathematics, French, English or the sciences at the elementary school level.

Homework Help Program

This program allows the child to receive support throughout his schooling journey while learning, or as he or she experiences a particular difficulty.

We developed an approach which aims not only to improve the child’s understanding of the material which causes difficulty but also to improve learning strategies in order to bring the child closer to autonomy.

This service is free.

It is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays except during school holidays; a snack is provided.

Registration Form

  • Parents must bring their child(ren) 5 minutes before the start of the workshop (4 p.m.) and pick them up 5 minutes before the end of the workshop (6 p.m.). In the event of a late arrival, unforeseen circumstances or cancellation, it is important to call 514 856-3511 #265 half an hour before the start of the workshop.
  • The child's first and last names must be indicated on their lunch box and other personal belongings.
  • No sick child will be admitted (fever, vomiting, contagious disease, COVID-19).
  • Children aged 6 to 12 need to be able to behave well and to have healthy lifestyle habits.
  • If the child falls ill during the day, we will administer the medication for which we have the signed consent of the parent. If the child's condition does not improve, we will contact the parent to pick the child up within 30 minutes/one hour of our call.
  • The CACI is not responsible for the loss of objects.
Cours de français, session automne

Cours de français en présentiel

Les cours de francisation sont destinés à tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre le français. La formation est gratuite et le certificat qui vous sera délivré est valide pour la demande de citoyenneté.

Allocation de participation journalière de 28 $

Form pré-inscription francisation - EN

Pre-registration Form

THIS IS NOT REGISTRATION. Depending on your eligibility and course availability, we will contact you in the upcoming days for more information. This form is only valid for the spring session (from April 2 to June 16, 2024). Filling out this form does not guarantee your registration