About Us

The CACI has carved out a unique place for itself as a key player in the integration of immigrants.

En français, le numérique, c'est stratégique

About Us

The CACI has carved out a unique place for itself as a key player in the integration of immigrants.

The Centre d’appui aux communautés immigrantes (Support Centre for Immigrant Communities) is a not-for-profit organization founded on April 23, 1993. Its main mission is to accompany newcomers in their efforts to settle in Quebec as well as all immigrant communities in the process they undertake to integrate the host society.

Centre d'appui aux communautés immigrantes - CACI

After close to three decades of relentless work, the CACI today has a staff of 82 employees and offers a full and unique continuum of services. The organization hosts more than 50 groups of students per session who are learning French and 88 groups who attend the Objectif Intégration information sessions about democratic and Quebec values

Since it was founded, the CACI accompanied more than


Vision Statement

The CACI has been around for 30 years and is one of the rare organizations that offers a vast array of services adapted to newcomers from the moment they arrive in the country until they are integrated socially and professionally. The CACI also provides support to help them with job retention.

Clients and Territory Covered

The CACI offers services to the whole of the Greater Montreal population, whether they be permanent residents, foreign students, temporary foreign workers, refugees, asylum seekers or Canadian citizens. CACI clients have diverse origins and come from close to fifty different countries.

Philosophy and Values

Our organization’s clients are our primary focus. Our first concern is to meet their expectations by helping them carry out their integration project successfully. We owe our success to our professionalism, our team spirit and our great openness to diversity.

At the CACI, our wish is that..

all newcomers find their place and thrive in Quebec. Every immigration path is different, and our organization offers services that are tailored to the situation and needs of every person. The CACI distinguishes itself by the excellence of its services as well as by its flexibility and care.

Main Goals

  • Welcoming, informing and directing immigrants
    and refugees,
  • To facilitate the socioeconomic integration of newcomers in the host society
  • Promote rapprochement between newcomers and members of the host society,
  • To promote activities that elicit the active participation of immigrants in the community
  • To offer a complete continuum of services to newcomers

Public Recognition

The CACI’s ability to develop and to carry out structural projects has earned it a number of public prizes.

The CACI was awarded a Recognition certificate by the Quebec National Assembly which was bestowed by Marwah Rizqy, the MNA for Saint-Laurent, in order to acknowledge the organization’s sustained and continuous efforts in the field, particularly in the service of immigrant communities.

The CACI was a finalist for the prize “Mérite en francisation des personnes immigrantes” in the “institutional or community partner” category for a project funded by the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) which aimed to promote and raise awareness of the value of the French language.

The “Mérites en francisation” prizes are awarded to persons, institutional or community partners as well as businesses who, through their accomplishments, have distinguished themselves in the service of immigrants in order to promote their integration to Quebec society.

The Maison CACI organization was selected as a winner in the “Promotion et valorisation de la langue française” category (Promoting and Raising Awareness of the Value of the French Language) for the project “Vivre ensemble, en français” (“Living Together in French”) carried out as part of the program: “Fonds de promotion et de valorisation du français 2016-2017” (Fund to Promote and Raise Awareness of the Value of the French Language 2016-2017) financially supported by the ministry of Culture and Communications.

The Canadian branch of the Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU) and the Alex Manoogian school paid tribute to the work of the CACI’s executive director in the sponsorship and reception of Syrian refugees by awarding her the “Prix de l’excellence” (Excellence Prize) on behalf of the “Couronne arménienne en commission des affaires publiques (CAPAC)”.

The CACI’s executive director was awarded the “Prix gestion au féminin-2014” (Women in Management Prize-2014) by “Horizons Interculturels du Québec” (HIQ) to highlight her accomplished path and her success in overcoming two challenges, namely being a woman as well as an immigrant manager.

The CACI was awarded the “Prix interculturel de Montréal Abe-Limonchik” (Montreal Intercultural Abe-Limonchik Prize) in the “organization” category. The award highlighted the CACI’s exceptional contribution to the improvement of intercultural relations and to the promotion of diversity in Montreal.

The prize sought to reward the remarkable efforts made by the CACI in order to break the isolation of members of cultural communities, to foster their autonomy and to promote their full and sustainable integration in the host society.

The CACI was a winner at the “Plein feu sur les mérites d’ici” gala in the “community/ structuring organization” category. The event was organized by the “Corporation de développement économique” (CDEC) and paid tribute to the CACI for the many services and programs it offers to newcomers, for the diversity of its social activities and for its ability to develop projects that are suited to the needs of immigrant communities.

The CACI was awarded the “Mérites en francisation des nouveaux arrivants” prize in the “institutional or community partner” category for its work in promoting and raising awareness of the value of the French language. This prize was awarded by the ministry of Immigration and by the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) to organizations which, through their accomplishments, intervened with immigrants in order to foster their potential and ability to integrate the host society.

The CACI was a finalist for the “Prix Égalité” (Equality Prize) in the “Work-Family” category.

By offering free care and homework help services to children aged 6 to 14 after school or in the evening, the CACI allowed their parents, mainly their mothers, to have an equal opportunity to find work, to become independent and to fully integrate Quebec society.

Salon de l'immigration et de l'intégration au Québec

Quelle que soit votre situation, nous pouvons vous aider !

14 et 15 mai 2025

Kiosque CACI

Organismes au service des personnes réfugiées et immigrantes

Kiosque CACI

Programme de soutien aux travailleurs étrangers temporaires



SIIQ - Mercredi 14 et jeudi 15 mai 2025 au Palais des congrès de Montréal
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