
“Action Aînés du Québec” Program

We are here to listen and we are ready to help you!

En français, le numérique, c'est stratégique

“Action Aînés du Québec” Program

We are here to listen and we are ready to help you!

At the CACI, families, the elderly and caregivers can receive support and get involved!

“Action Aînés du Québec” Program

As part of the “Action Aînés du Québec” Program funded by the ministry of Health and Social Services, the CACI organizes activities intended for the elderly who are 55 and older. The goal of the activities is to break social isolation and promote the development of real and sustainable connections.

Services include:

  • Telephone line for the elderly, “Ligne Aînés CACI or LAC”: a telephone line specifically dedicated to the elderly which provides moral support and where they can request assistance
  • Accompaniment service for visits to the doctor, pharmacy, supermarket, etc.
  • Delivery of medication, food, and hygiene and personal care products
  • Computer and digital tools workshop: training on the use of electronic devices (keyboard, mouse, operating system) and the use of applications and digital platforms such as search engines, communication tools such as Skype or WhatsApp, social networks, hosting sites such as YouTube and some video games which are available for free on the internet or on smartphones

Contact our Advisor: Julien Lepage

julien.lepage@caci-bc.org or 514 856-3511, ext 258

CACI Phone Line for the Elderly (“Ligne Aînés CACI”)

Call us now! Once contact is established, our team of volunteers will call you regularly.

514 123-4567

Distribution de repas aux ainées

Sensibilisation au harcèlement psychologique et sexuel en milieu de travail

Dans le cadre du projet « Harcèlement en milieu de travail, Connaître, Prévenir, Agir » réalisé grâce au soutien financier de la CNESST (Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail), le CACI a le mandat de sensibiliser les personnes immigrantes en emploi ou en recherche d’emploi au harcèlement psychologique et sexuel en milieu de travail.

Par le biais de publicités, de rencontres individuelles et d’ateliers de groupe, le CACI explique comment identifier une situation de harcèlement psychologique ou sexuel en milieu de travail, les obligations de l’employeur et les recours possibles pour les victimes de harcèlement.

Pour en savoir plus, visionnez les vidéos ci-dessous et consultez le site de la CNESST.

Raising Awareness of Psychological and Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

As part of the project entitled “Harcèlement en milieu de travail, Connaître, Prévenir, Agir” (“Workplace Harassment : Knowledge, Prevention, Action”) carried out with the financial support of the CNESST (Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail), the CACI has the mandate to raise awareness among immigrants who are working or looking for work of psychological and sexual harassment in the workplace.

Using advertisements, individual meetings and group workshops, the CACI explains how to recognize a psychological or sexual harassment situation in the workplace, the employer’s obligations and the possible remedies for victims of harassment.

To find out more, watch the following videos and visit the CNESST website.

Cours de français, session automne

Cours de français en présentiel

Les cours de francisation sont destinés à tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre le français. La formation est gratuite et le certificat qui vous sera délivré est valide pour la demande de citoyenneté.

Form pré-inscription francisation - EN

Pre-registration Form

THIS IS NOT REGISTRATION. Depending on your eligibility and course availability, we will contact you in the upcoming days for more information. This form is only valid for the Fall session (from September 30 to December 15, 2024). Filling out this form does not guarantee your registration