
Intercultural Committee

Promoting multiculturalism and diversity in Bordeaux-Cartierville.

Intercultural Committee

Promote multiculturalism and diversity in Bordeaux-Cartierville.

Intercultural Committee

The CACI is one of the founding members of the Bordeaux-Cartierville Intercultural Committee. It was created in 2012 by local organizations as a way to respond to the multicultural reality of the neighbourhood which is among the most multiethnic in the city of Montreal.

  • Encourage the participation and integration of communities of diverse origins to Quebec society;
  • Create a space for dialogue to encourage the promotion of diversity and the development of intercultural ties on a day-to-day basis;
  • Promote actions that combat stereotypes, discrimination, racism, intolerance and exclusion;
  • Offer training on intercultural matters to actors intervening in different environments.
  • Since it was set up, the committee has benefited from the CACI’s logistical support.
Founding Members:
  • Anait Aleksanian, executive director of the CACI
  • Donald Boisvert, executive director of La Corbeille
  • Éliane Gabbay, partnerships’ advisor at the Quebec Ministry of Immigration
  • Pauline Errico, director of Maison de la famille
  • Gigi Vidal of the Baha’i community
  • Sister Pierrette Bertrand of the Congregation of Franciscan Oblates
  • Renée Viaud, neighbourhood citizen
  • Nayiri Tavlian, neighbourhood citizen
  • Samuel Luboya, neighbourhood citizen

See also

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Need to contact us?

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Need to contact us?

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Cours de français, session automne

Cours de français en présentiel

Les cours de francisation sont destinés à tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre le français. La formation est gratuite et le certificat qui vous sera délivré est valide pour la demande de citoyenneté.

Allocation de participation journalière de 28 $

Form pré-inscription francisation - EN

Pre-registration Form

THIS IS NOT REGISTRATION. Depending on your eligibility and course availability, we will contact you in the upcoming days for more information. This form is only valid for the spring session (from April 2 to June 16, 2024). Filling out this form does not guarantee your registration