
First Steps to Settling In

Discover how things work in Quebec and Quebec values through group information sessions!

First Steps to Settling In

Discover how things work in Quebec and Quebec values through group information sessions!

What is “First Steps to Settling In” ?

This information session is intended for people who are newcomers to Quebec who can speak French and who reside in Quebec with an eligible immigration status.

It lasts 3 hours and is offered for free; however, registration is mandatory.

Content of the Information Session

The session provides essential information and documentation regarding administrative formalities for obtaining important documents:

  • Health insurance card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Social insurance card
  • Driver’s license
  • Information regarding permanent resident status
  • Search for housing, points of reference in the city of Montreal
  • Daycare and schools
  • Credits and financial assistance
  • Common values in Quebec society
  • Settlement and integration assistance services offered by community organizations, etc.

How to Register

The information session is offered on a continuous basis in partnership with the Quebec Ministry of Immigration (MIFI).

See also

Need to contact us?

Leave us your contact details and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.

See also

Need to contact us?

Leave us your contact details and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.

See also

Need to contact us?

Leave us your contact details and a member of our team will be happy to answer your questions.

Cours de français, session automne

Cours de français en présentiel

Les cours de francisation sont destinés à tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre le français. La formation est gratuite et le certificat qui vous sera délivré est valide pour la demande de citoyenneté.

Allocation de participation journalière de 28 $

Form pré-inscription francisation - EN

Pre-registration Form

THIS IS NOT REGISTRATION. Depending on your eligibility and course availability, we will contact you in the upcoming days for more information. This form is only valid for the spring session (from April 2 to June 16, 2024). Filling out this form does not guarantee your registration